not have been more generous. It was rather funny that some of the letters in that first issue said that they had "read all your other books and magazines and found them wonderful" or some such. How appreciative can an audience who has as yet not read Issue #1 get in ad- vance?
The field has gotten such recognition that one outfit in New York actually brought out a full sized magazine in color, just like a girlie magazine all a- bout cross dressers.
It was called "Female Mimics" and was made up of about all the pictures that could be taken from the Carousel in France and many others that have appeared previously in publications here. Nutrix has about 20 Impersonator books out now and there are many others in the same vein. But TRANS VESTIA was the original, the door opener and the publication that proved there was truly a TV audience to publish for. Unfortunately those who look at things only in the light of the money to be made did not get the message That while there are many professional impersonators, and many homo- sexual queens who cross dress, there are vast numbers of men who are not only lovers of the feminine but lovers of the female too. They therefore do not cater to this field but they nevertheless collect considerable money from it because until a TV has broken the hold of loneliness and isolation and found his own kind through TRANSVESTIA he will buy almost anything that deals with cross dressing.
So we broke the trail and have been followed'. We've been copied too --as most of you know--photo- copies of TVia having been made and sold all over the country. But what of the future of TRANS VESTIA itse- lf? Some are interested in a journal of opinion--one which deals with all manifestations of cross dressing as a behaviour pattern whether it be homosexual, fet- ishtic, masochistic or just erotic. There is probably a place to be made for this type of publication. After all, everybody is entitled to a hearing and a forum in which to express his views. But I started TVia for my own kind of people--people who were like myself whom I could find, communicate with and help. There are